Monday 23 July 2012

Picking that perfect neutral..

Have you ever walked into a space and felt something wasn’t right?

Picking a wrong neutral for your space can create an off balance in the appearance of your room. First step is to establish your undertones. Undertones are the underlying colour, which can be red, green, blue or purple. Your typical “beige” mostly has red or green undertones. Gray tends to have a full range of the previously listed undertones. Taupe can be perceived differently to everyone but most commonly have a red or green undertone.

Second step is considering all aspects of your colour scheme incorporating all your materials. If you have a green undertone gray coach, your colour selection for your walls should reflect the same undertone. Consequently if you put a red undertone gray on the wall then you will create conflict between the two materials. Thus putting a green undertone gray on the wall you will have a better colour harmony.

Last step to unify your space is to pull everything together by accessorizing according to the colour scheme. Accessories are crucial to a neutral colour scheme by adding visual interest. This is the exception to the undertone rule, 10% of your colour scheme can be pulled from different undertones.

 Wanna know more about colour and undertones, here is a great site to refer to:

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